Sunday, October 22, 2006

A tryst with the ghost

Well the previous post blew up on my face exactly as I thought. "Debut" got into the place where "etcetera" is sitting happily now. Finally I had to learn this stuff the hard way -reading the help page. Now I know I can never be vivekanada of web sites. Its said that he understood the whole page by reading the few lines at the beginning and the end. Ofcourse, I'm talking about books here!!!

I'll beat myself up if I dont put in this incident and I dont want to expose my geminian traits once more. So it goes like this....

It was a boring evening and as usual we had nothing to do, except gossip. And whenever we think of doing something exciting. only one thing makes it to the top slot.....booze!. But this time nobody's house was empty with their parents gone to the natives. We had to find a place. I terribly dislike boozing at the bar. The thought of going back home after getting to that high ....puts me down. So I prefer dozing off there amongst my collections... smirnoff bottles.

Just as we were thinking of a place our dear friend Anush came up with the revelation of an empty abode somewhere near to his place. Empty houses could be anything. Nobody leaves their houses empty when the real estate is so kick-ass high. These thoughts comes to anybodies mind.... but as the wise note goes...."Booze can kill anything". So we decided to try it out. And if all is good...we have a permanent place to quench our thirst(s).

On the morning of the great day, the most excited of us yudi and vivek had got a bulb to light up two rooms of the house. They went to this best house in the town to fix the lights of one bedroom and another kitchen. They did some cleaning so that we could have a spend in the night!.

All preparations were done and finally the hour had come. We all got into our bikes happily with chakna, chicken , wafers.....whatever adds to the booze and ofcourse with the booze. The most excited event had started. Steven had got some debonair to quench his own thirst as he was a teetotaller. Well it remained like that only till he went to college the following year.
"Everyone attains nirvana someday".

As everyone says ..breasts and booze are the best combination, we had got specially ordered tandoored breast pieces....(Vegetarians may clarify the context). All were trying to get most out of the 750 ml vodka and the chicken. Everybody sacrificed wafers and chakna for the others. It was true love for one's friends.

Steven had seen enough of debonair and may be thats the reason he had to visit the toilet although we were the ones who were drinking. He went to the toilet with a torch that we had carried. Yes the planning was all done days prior to the d-day. No one noticed Steven had come back or may be because anyone who goes to a toilet has to come back. Silly thought! Where else can he go from a toliet. Ofcourse there are black holes in there but that can just transport cockroaches or just small cockroaches.

I thought of mixing some debonair and with vodka and turned to Steven. It was then I realised that Steven was not just sitting there. He was all sweaty and was like a soda can out of the refrigerator with bubbles. He could be sweating , but not this much. I asked for the debonair with my senses still enslaved but he wasnt responding but was just gasping heavily. I asked him little louder but his face was in sheer shock. I sensed the seriousness and shouted to him aloud in panic. Others got into action soon after. Steven just couldnt speak beacause of the heavy amount of air intake. May be there was no space left for words to come out. The bravest among the group Yudi enquired on where he had gone and ran to the toilet. He was back there in just the same second. Did he really hit the black hole of the real sense?? Whatever it was he too was freaking out. He shouted to get out of the house the very moment. Everyone knew there's something wrong with the toilet. Suddenly our enslaved senses killed the most powerfull to victory. We got to the toilet and all were equally flabbergasted. There were blood stains all around. Surely there was some murder and the killers might be just returning after disposing off the body.

No one needed a "command" to start running..... but all had heard this command from deep inside. While running to the bike nothing made us turn around. Suddenly Mr.Smirnoff was the least of anything.... Our legs were not exactly doing the act of running. We felt as if someone might just catch our backs. No one wanted to be the last amongst us. The last person has 99.99% probability of getting caught by the invisible hands. This was a confirmed statistics from all the movies that we had seen. The bikes in sight made us feel as if we finished the first leg of the race. The bikes wouldnt start or the legs would get slipped or the ignition was not ON. Whatever errors to start a bike are there was happening with us. One two three , four all bikes had started but I was still getting it to start. Suddenly it came to my mind..... choke!!! I screamed!!! The machine finally broke its silence. We were out of there in minutes. Everyone of us were riding as if we just attended grand prix. After covering quite some distance the first bike slowed down at the neon street light post. All stopped. No one talked for some time. The shock in our spines was finaly getting down. Yudi laughed and suddenly we were all laughing. Strange things happen at strange times. Who can laugh at such a time. We discussed all possibilities of the worst nightmare. There must have been a murder or rape. A girl or may be a man. Vivek was telling that there could have beeb more than one murder. But no-one was really listening to anything. Everyone wanted to get home. We all went to Yudi's place. No one had the nerve to go back home alone.

Finally the day light was there. It seemed like the most wanted thing of the recent past and hoped it could stay like that for a few days. I mean just days and no nights. We got up one by one still in a feeble shock. We went home...., one by one. It was a sunday and that did bring that regular pleasent feeling to our mind.

Later in that week Yudi came running to the school. He had heard that it was a haunted house and there had been seven or eight murders. This is the best thing about haunted houses. Every year the number of murders increase. Anyway we didnt have a good enough reason to deny that story. On contemplation of the story the whole thing had become more fiery. Was it really a ghost?? We wanted to get out of the recent version(supposedly true) more badly. Nothing scares anyone as ghosts. May be a game of badi would relieve us. Soon after class we headed to the badminton tournament. The first game itself had brougt us back to normal. Everyone just hoped that things stay the same way.......for some time.


Blogger Atul V said...

teri to phati hogi boss. yeh kub hua

10:56 AM  
Blogger Sajith said...

main bandha jiski sabse jyadha phati woh kidhar hai? ;-)

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

errrrrrrrrrr........!!!! that was a ghostful night

9:59 PM  
Blogger Ritu said...

Very very interesting story. Came to your blog via Hemu's blog. You have a good style of narration

I simply love spook stories :)

1:05 AM  

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